Membership Directory

Thunderbolt Marine
Member since: 01.01.70
3124 River Drive
Thunderbolt, Georgia, 31404
United States
Region: Southeast
Member Categories:
Marinas / Boatyard Services
Yacht Repair / Refit
Thunderbolt Marine is dedicated to delivering the highest standards, exceeding the expectations of its clientele and working in accordance with all classification society requirements, delivering quality work at competitive pricing. Serving vessels up to the 60m range and hauling capabilities up to 1200 T by syncrolift. TMI's world class facility includes the vessel service building with fully enclosed work bays and a state of the art spray booth. Services provided in TMIs well equipped shops by in-house teams of skilled craftsmen and well accomplished tradesmen include cabinetry, joinery, electrical, electronics, hydraulics, HVAC, machine, welding, outfitting, rigging, fiberglass, composites, fine finishes, varnish, bottom paint and paint. We also welcome qualified outside contractors.